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2. Launching Awareness Campaign
In order to strengthen public awareness of human traf-
ficking related issues through diverse channels, the NIA has
hosted inter-agency training courses as well as case study
workshops every year. In 2021, an awareness campaign was
launched along with the Round Table Conference on Com-
bating Forced Labor. In addition, a training course on the
prevention of human trafficking and digital and cyber-sex
violence was held. Furthermore, 2 pieces of printed public
service advertisements were placed in the lobby area of the
Taoyuan International Airport for 6 months. Lastly, 3 multi-
ple language versions of awareness campaign posters were
provided to other government agencies for diffusion and
Human Trafficking Prevention Posters
displayed at 12 High Speed Rail stations.
3. Providing Shelters and Protection
In cooperation with civil society organizations, the NIA has built shelters for the victims of human
trafficking to protect their personal safety, provide them with medical assistance, interpretation ser-
vices, legal aid, and psychological counseling, accompany the victims to police/court proceedings,
and provide other essential aid or services. A total of 121 new foreign victims were provided with
sheltering and protection services in 2021.
4. Strengthening Investigation and Prosecution Operations
There were a total of 107 human trafficking cases cracked down by law enforcement authorities
and 58 human trafficking cases prosecuted by local prosecutor’s offices in 2021.
5. Establishing Platforms for Cooperation
The 2021 Round Table Conference on Combating Forced Labor was held on October 15, 2021.
A total of 116 guests and attendees from the host country and foreign governments, agencies, and
NGOs along with experts and scholars were invited to discuss topics on human trafficking, broad-
ening exchanges among countries and strengthening channels of cooperation between central and
local governments as well as between public and private sectors. These interactions help improve
Taiwan’s anti-human trafficking strategies.