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gration inspection system integrated and interfaced with the PIVAS' "Quality Inspection" and "Facial
Recognition" functions to screen against the watchlist in real time, enhancing the efficiency of docu-
ment inspection and preventing illegal immigrants from entering the country with forged travel doc-
uments, thereby safeguarding our national security.
7. Establishing the WEB-APIS System for Screening Foreign Seafarers
A new function to screen ship crew manifests has been added to the NIA WEB-APIS system,
which helps detect foreign seafarers without entry permits before their arrival. In consideration of
the reduced vessel schedules during the COVID-19 pandemic, this measure may reduce the risk and
cost of deportation and quarantine issues of foreign seafarers, as well as prevent them from escaping
during their quarantine period, which might pose the threat of further spreading the pandemic in the
8. Launching the Passenger Name Record System
The “Passenger Name Record System” will collect the relevant information of tourists' reserva-
tions during travel for big data analysis, so as to strengthen the grasp of passengers' overseas itiner-
ary information (including third-place transfer information) through information technology, effective-
ly filtering passengers with potential threats of pandemic prevention security and discover potential
routes of pandemic infection. Through big data analysis, various abnormal behaviors of passengers
are analyzed, and preventive actions are developed accordingly to strengthen border security man-
9. Promoting the Online Application System
The NIA will continue to promote the online application system, which currently allows migrant
workers, foreigners (including Mainland Chinese tourists from overseas, and Hong Kong and Macao
short-term visitors), foreign and overseas students, and Mainland, Hong Kong, and Macao students
to apply online instead of going to a counter to apply in person. Apart from enabling the online sub-
mission of applications, the system also simplifies the procedure of submitting required documents
and provides various choices for online payments, substantially increasing administrative efficiency,
and speeding up the document issuance process. In order to expand zero-contact smart services, on-
line applications for foreign students (degree students only) have been effective from August 1, 2021,
to reduce queues at the counter and risks of people to people contact, enhancing the efficacy of and
facilitating the services as a whole.