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if necessary when adjudicating an application based on the marriage category. In order to strength-
            en interviews and site visits, as well as improve interviewers' professional skills, the NIA regularly
            conducts workshops and seminars on interview laws and experience sharing. In 2021, a total of 1,771
            interviews of Mainland Chinese spouses were conducted, including 220 failed domestic interviews,

            26 cases rejected at the border, and 7 cases that failed their second interviews.

            2. Policy Objectives for 2022
               Since there is still a massive number of overstayers in Taiwan, the NIA is planning to continue

            working closely with national security related agencies to crackdown on overstaying foreigners after
            the pandemic eases and international travel resumes, in order to decrease the number of overstayers
            in Taiwan. The NIA will continue to simplify the process of site visits and interviews, as well as con-

            duct a rolling review on the outcomes of the measures, in order to protect the security of our country
            while providing better services to the public.

            VIII. Protecting the Human Rights of Immigrants

            1. Protecting the Rights of Detainees
               To protect the human rights of detainees, the NIA provides detainees with information in multi-
            ple languages on related regulations at detention centers, detainees' rights and responsibilities, and
            channels for complaints. The NIA's major detention centers also allow regular outdoor activities, vis-

            its, and telephone calls; they also provide television, books, newspapers, and magazines. Personnel
            are also sent to maintain the basic environmental hygiene and living security of the centers. To better
            provide humanitarian treatment to detainees, the NIA taps into civil resources, utilizes assistance

            from religious groups, and provides medical services and necessary care. The NIA also holds month-
            ly meetings, and has special gatherings on the three major festivals and special holidays. All of the
            measures mentioned above aim to safeguard the rights and safety of detainees.

            2. Temporary Settlements and Deportation
               In recent years, the number of migrant workers giving birth in Taiwan has increased. Some of the
            female migrant workers become missing after they get pregnant because they are afraid of being
            deported to their home countries, resulting in their children not being able to receive proper care in

            Taiwan. Therefore, the NIA has worked on establishing shelters for undocumented pregnant migrant
            workers or undocumented migrant workers with children aiming to provide them with a proper place
            to stay and to give the children better care before returning to their home countries.

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