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COVID-19 Vaccination Program” since December 3, 2021, to encourage overstaying foreign nationals
            to get vaccinated. By the end of December 2021, approximately 30,000 individuals had been vacci-

            nated, which greatly contributed to preventing the spread of COVID-19.

            3. COVID-19 Prevention in Detention Centers
                 To prevent the transmission of COVID-19, new detainees are subject to certain period of iso-

            lation for observation at detention centers. Once the isolation period is over, detainees without
            COVID-19 symptoms will be transferred to the common areas of the detention center. However,

            detainees with COVID-19 symptoms will be hospitalized immediately. In addition, the NIA provides

            detainees with masks as well as hand sanitizers. Temperature monitoring for detainees is required on
            a daily basis. The NIA cleans and disinfects the detention centers every day.

            4. Pandemic Prevention Measures
               In order to keep the public updated on the latest border control measures, the NIA has set up an

            epidemic prevention area on its official website. The information will be updated according to the

            restrictions on foreigners coming to Taiwan announced by the Central Epidemic Command Center
            in real time. In addition, the NIA utilized multiple channels to raise public awareness about relevant

            pandemic prevention measures in various languages:

            (1) The service hotline for foreigners living in Taiwan (the previous hotline number was 0800-024-111,
               which was changed to "1990" from March 1, 2022) provides free consultation on entry and exit
               measures during the COVID-19 pandemic in Chinese, English, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indonesian,

               Thai, and Khmer. In 2021, a total of 324,492 calls were received.
            (2) Published a multilingual version (Chinese, English, Vietnamese, Thai, Khmer, Burmese, Indonesian)
               of the Taiwan Travel Restrictions Fact Sheet. By the end of 2021, a total of 36,012 people sent the

               Fact Sheet through LINE.

            5. Sending Personnel to the Central Epidemic Command Center to Help Han-
               dle Emergency Cases
            (1) The NIA is a member of the border quarantine team of the Central Epidemic Command Center

               (CECC). In order to facilitate the implementation of pandemic prevention measures, the NIA
               worked closely with the CECC in the development and execution of various border control pol-

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