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pants on building energy-saving technology. In the workshops, by introducing building energy effi-
               ciency and wide-area intelligent energy management technologies and analyzing building energy
               efficiency strategies through practical cases, to achieve the effect of demonstration and promotion.

               In 2022, this program will continue to issue Green Building, Green Building Material, and intel-
            ligent Building certifications and promote the cases and applications related to intelligent Green
            Building related policies.

            7. Innovative Circular Green Building and Environment Technology Plan
               For developing green building technologies which are suitable for the subtropical climate in Tai-

            wan; there are several execution strategies in the 2021 project of "Innovative Circular Green Building
            and Environment Technology" as follows:

            (1) Completed Research on "Research on the Blending of Green Building and Building Energy Efficiency
               Labeling", "Research on the Relationship between Green Building Label and Urban Renewal Volume

               Reward Carbon Reduction", "Research on the Introduction of the Concept of Circular Economy Devel-
               opment in Architectural Planning and Design", "Research on Field Testing Technology and Method
               of Airtight Performance of Indoor Environment", "Research on Design and Technical Application of
               Same Floor Drainage System of Buildings" and other related research, totaling 19 cases.

            (2) Completed the draft of "On-site testing method for air-tight-
               ness of windows" and "Patent application materials related

               to on-site testing of air-tightness of windows", submitted it to
               the Intellectual Property Office, Ministry of Economic Affairs
               for deliberation.

            (3) Completed the introduction of the circular economy devel-
               opment concept in architectural planning and design meth-
               ods and structures for reference by related industries.

            (4) Completed the draft of "Guidelines for the Design of Same
               Floor Drainage Systems of Buildings" for reference by relevant


            (5) Completed the "EEWH-EB" and "EEWH-BERS" to provide       Green Building Evaluation Man-
                                                                         ual Building Energy-Efficiency
               references for improving building energy efficiency assess-  Rating System (EEWH-BERS)
               ment and self-labeling.

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