P. 152
I. Firefighting Organization
The National Fire Agency (NFA), Ministry of the Interior, is the agency in charge of the unified com-
mand and supervision over the nation's firefighting operations. It is responsible for planning and imple-
menting operations related to firefighting administration as well as disaster prevention and rescue. Under
the current NFA structure, there are a total of eight divisions, one center, and four offices in charge of fire-
fighting-related operations in various domains; in addition, the NFA also has two dispatching units, includ-
ing a special search and rescue team and training centers. Furthermore, in Keelung, Taichung, Kaohsiung,
and Hualien, the NFA controls four harbor fire brigades in charge of firefighting, disaster prevention, and
rescue operations at these harbors.
II. Disaster Management
1. Continuous Promotion of "The Third Phase of Deep Ploughing Disaster Pre-
vention and Protection Project"
The Administration promoted the "Disaster
Prevention and Rescue Deep Ploughing Plan
Phase 1 and Phase 2" from 2009 to 2017, which
showed excellent results. On July 12, 2017, the
Executive Yuan approved the "Disaster Preven-
tion and Rescue Deep Ploughing Plan Phase 3
(from 2018 to 2022)".
2021 was the fourth year of the Intermedi- Mobile wargame platform is used to supplement
scenario planning
ate-Range Plan, which continued to improve the
output of the previous disaster prevention and
rescue deep-plowing plan, and promote the di-
saster prevention volunteer training certification
system, the resilient community label system,
enterprise disaster prevention, and strengthen
municipalities, counties (cities) and public offices
emerging disaster prevention topics such as re-
gional governance. As of the end of 2021, a total
Yilan City Office scenario planning
of 9,891 people nationwide have completed