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5. Plan for Building Information Modeling Development, Promotion, and Ap-
               In order to promote building information modeling (BIM) technology, strengthen building life-cycle

            management and flow of information, enhance efficiency at all stages of planning, design, construction,
            and maintenance, and promote architectural quality, usability effectiveness in construction industry up-
            grades, and sustainable environmental development, the relevant activities in 2021 were as follows:

            (1) Six research projects were completed covering studies on "Digital Twin - Feasibility Study on Integrat-

               ed Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and Artificial Intelligence (AI)", "Research on
               the promotion and application of the technology and incentive mechanism in domestic construction
               projects", "Research on the development strategy of building data center using Building Information

               Modeling (BIM) and Internet of Things (IoT)", "Combining building information modeling (BIM), identi-
               fication technology and artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the application of building construction
               methods", "Research on mechanical and electrical drawing specifications of domestic building infor-
               mation modeling (BIM) technology", and "Building Information Modeling (BIM) open source and free
               software localization assessment and development path planning".

            (2) A total of 10 seminars, including "2020 Annual Research Achievements (Online) Presentation Seminar",

               "Digital Twin - Feasibility Study on Integrated Application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) and
               Artificial Intelligence (AI) Seminar", "Combining building information modeling (BIM), identification
               technology and artificial intelligence (AI) technology in the application of building construction meth-
               ods Seminar", "Research on the promotion and application of the technology and incentive mecha-
               nism in domestic construction projects Seminar", and "Research on mechanical and electrical drawing

               specifications of domestic building information modeling (BIM) technology Seminar". In addition, it
               conducted BIM talent training courses, "BIM Summit Meeting", and "BIM application promotion and
               advocacy plan online seminar" to promote domestic BIM applications.

            (3) Set up a BIM information service technology interactive platform and a portal site that includes
               more BIM components, helping the AEC industry to adopt BIM technology and accelerating the

               flow of information and shared experiences.
               The objectives for 2022 are to complete the digital upgrade of building technology, build a digital

            living environment, improve government management efficiency, and continuously promote domes-
            tic BIM applications.

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