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communities have been surveyed and received guidance, and 5 workshops on hillside community
               self-care and promotion education and one workshop on community disaster prevention have been
               completed and carried out hillside community disaster prevention and control counseling, site survey
               inspections, disaster prevention drills, etc. About 300 residents participated in these seminars, and 180

               students attended disaster prevention seminars for schools in hillside areas.
               In 2022, the plan intends implementation concerning policies such as the Spatial Planning Act, the Plan

            of Disaster Mitigation and Rescue Technology Innovation Service, and further research such as "disaster
            resilience planning strategies for development lands of non-urban land into urban and rural development
            areas of spatial plan", "climate action in flood mitigation and adaption planning of urban plan in urban and
            rural development area by watershed view", "integration planning and effectiveness for smart monitoring

            system of rainwater detention facilities in buildings", "application of  surface displacement with Monitoring
            technology by dual frequency and multi-satellite global positioning system in hillside community", and
            "empirical research and big data application of refuge shelters space planning for special needs of elderly
            vulnerable people after earthquakes" are to be conducted.

            4. Building Engineering Technology Development and Integration Application Plan
               In 2021, the ABRI conducted three subprograms on innovative construction materials, seismic

            hazard prevention, and wind engineering to promote the building industry and improve construction
            technology and quality. The plan completed 8 research projects, finished 2 technical manuals, and
            conducted 5 activities, such as seminars or lectures, to promote the earthquake resistance assess-
            ment of existing buildings. The related achievements are shown as follows:

            (1) The ABRI released 3 research reports concerned with the revision of column and connection
               design of steel reinforced concrete structure design specification, among others. According to
               experimental investigations, proposals for code changes will be made to code committees and
               practicing engineers. The lives of people and the safety of their property can be efficiently im-

               proved in the near future.
            (2) The ABRI carried out two research projects on the effect of curing methods on the performance of main

               building components of precast concrete and the design technology of bamboo structure buildings.
            (3) The ABRI conducted three research projects: load combination and simple wind correction of

               building wind resistance design code and wind tunnel test technology and report evaluation
               mechanism for building engineering.

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