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NT$286 thousand was submitted to the Science and Technology Development Fund of Executive
Yuan. Meanwhile, the aforementioned fund project, "Advanced Study on Simple Two-layer Verifi-
cation Method of Smoke Layer", was executed to expand the application of verification calculations
and improve numerical accuracy.
(3) The invention patent "Fire Damage Identification
Method" (2021.3.1 Patent Certificate No. I 702684)
that resulted from R&D outcomes was approved. The
patent technology transfer of "Sound-Light Compos-
ite Non-Destructive Detection Technology for Fire
Damage of Reinforced Concrete Components" was
authorized for free by the New Taipei City Fire Bu-
reau to apply to 3 cases of fire-damaged reinforced
concrete buildings for fire additional temperature
determination and scientific data reference.
(4) The Fire Experiment Center completed fire tests
for the domestic building material industry. It han-
The invention patent "Method of fire
dled approximately 324 research experiments and damage identification" (2021.3.1 Inven-
tion No. I 702684) was obtained from
198 technical test service cases, with the annual fee structural fire damage research
amounting to NT$5,681 thousand, which was submit-
ted to the national treasury. In addition, it plans to carry out an international cooperation program
of UL 2043 witness test evaluation in cooperation with Taiwan Architecture and Building Center
and Underwriter Laboratory, Inc., an international certification body.
(5) Held 5 fire safety design technology seminars with 520 participants.
(6) Completion of the final draft of "Large Space Building Fire Performance-based Smoke Control
System Design and Application Manual 2nd Edition" and "Guidelines for On-site Smoke Preven-
tion Performance Testing of Doors", which will be published in 2022 and review of "Technical Ref-
erence Manual for Fire Protection Design of Steel Structure Buildings" was continued processing.
At the same time, the research and compilation of the "Software Operation Manual for the Sim-
ple Two-layer Verification Method of the Smoke Layer" will be carried out, and the results will be
shared with and applied by the construction industry and the technical personnel.
(7) Participated in drafting 5 amendments to building and fire protection laws and regulations and