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(2) Under the implementation of the Spatial Planning Act, we conducted research on the feasibility
               study on planning for disaster resilience of the national land restoration promotion area in the
               spatial plan, the study on resilient strategies of flood mitigation and adaptation for urban-rural
               development areas under climate change, and researched the situations and countermeasures of

               construction sites, participated in assisting construction or urban planning authorities in the review
               and revision of various laws and regulations or system policies, among others.

            (3) In response to flood disasters caused by extreme weather due to climate change, we conducted
               advanced research on flood resilience, promotion strategies and guidelines in diverse communi-
               ties, and prepared a draft of the promotion guide for flood resilient communities. Based on the
               needs of urban flooding mitigation and disaster relief, we researched the smart management sys-

               tem and platform establishment of rainwater detention facilities in buildings to increase the effec-
               tiveness of the smart rainwater management system platform to integrate relevant information.

            (4) In response to the needs of the elderly society for disaster prevention and safety, we researched
               the manual for short-term refuge shelter space planning for the special needs of the elderly after

            (5) To reduce disasters in hillside communities,
               we conducted research and development

               of low-power, low-cost integrated monitors
               suitable for the slopes of hillside communities
               and conducted a study on the application
               of the large-scale model to verify integrated
                                                             The disaster prevention seminars for schools in
               monitoring equipment in hillside residential   hillside areas
               communities, and research on the establish-
               ment of dimensional test models to deter-
               mine the management warning values for

            (6) To enhance the ability of self-management of
               hillside communities and promote self-safety

               and disaster prevention management demon-
               stration and education and counseling promo-  The seminar on hillside community self-care and
               tion in hillside communities, a total of 10 hillside   promotion education

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