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basis for overall planning and promotion of wetland conservation. The MOI has continued to institution-
alize wetland conservation. As of 2021, one of the Wetlands of International Importance conservation and
utilization plans has finished the process of review, 40 of the Wetlands of National Importance conservation
and utilization plans have been announced, and one of the Wetlands of Regional Importance conservation
and utilization plans was approved. Furthermore, 39 of the temporary Wetlands of Regional Importance
finished their evaluations. Besides legal affairs, activities have been successfully completed, such as "2021
Wetland Day - New Blue Ocean of Wetlands" and "2021 International Wetland Convention in Taiwan-Wet-
land Tomorrow: Our Common Hope". Furthermore, 21 subsidy cases were approved for local govern-
ments to handle wetland conservation, and 3 cases on the use of the wetland insignia were permitted in
2021. In 2022, the MOI will continue to advance the legal process, which includes overall reviewing the
Wetland of Importance Conservation and Utilization Plans and handling related implementation plan work
items. Moreover, the MOI will guide wetland-friendly industries to apply for wetland insignia and strength-
en interaction with communities near wetlands.
2021 Wetland Day - New Blue Ocean of Wetlands 2021 International Wetland Convention in Taiwan-Wet-
land Tomorrow: Our Common Hope
4. Establishing and Promoting the Goals of Sustainable Development for Na-
tional Land Resources and Urban and Rural Development
In cooperation with the National Council for Sustainable Development, the Ministry shares the re-
sponsibility of the Sustainable City Working Group, taking the SDGs of the UN and domestic condi-
tions of Taiwan as a reference, to develop the SDGs, making cities and human settlements inclusive,
safe, resilient, and sustainable; to make the relevant measuring indicators and to continuously track
and review their implementation.
5. Urban Planning
The projects Planning for the Specific District Plan of Taoyuan International Airport Park and Nearby