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In 2022, we will continue with the preservation of Kinmen traditional settlements, maintenance
               of battle historic sites, ecological and environmental conservation and other work, enhance our
               partnership with local communities, and add military area outdoor recreation activities to increase
               the benefits of military camp activation.

            (7) Marine National Park (Dongsha Atoll National Park and South Penghu Marine National Park)
                  Dongsha Atoll National Park, located in the north of the South China Sea, is about 400 km

               from the island of Taiwan. South Penghu Marine National Park, located between Wangan island
               and Chimei island of Penghu, consists of Dongji island, Xiji island, Dongyuping island, and Xiyup-
               ing island, as well as many small islets, wave-swept rocks, and surrounding waters. The park is a

               place for citizens to receive environmental education and experience ecotourism.

                  In 2021 we cooperated with the Kaohsiung City Government
               to improve the water environment of Dongsha Island, recycle
               sewage for irrigation, and enhance the efficiency of seawater

               desalination facilities to reduce the extraction of groundwater
               for conserving the water resources of the precious groundwater
               on Dongsha Island. Distribution pipelines were constructed to
               separate drinking and service water on Dongyuping island, and
               we also built backup units of desalination facilities for Dongji

               and Dongyuping islands to stably and safely supply water.
               The Magong Service Center was opened to serve the people
               who migrated to Magong and the tourists who plan to visit the
                                                                        The Magong Service Center
               South Penghu Marine National Park. Furthermore, the center is
               a base for coordinating and replenishing purposes.

                  In terms of marine conservation, several studies and the survey of terrestrial and marine re-
               sources were conducted in the Dongsha Atoll and the South Penghu Marine National Park. Those

               studies were transformed into public scientific books for the public to understand our national
               parks. We also provided funds for the students to conduct their research in the national parks.

                  In the promotion of environmental education, the "Snorkeling Instructor Safety Education and
               Training" was jointly conducted with the Penghu National Scenic Area Administration. In order to

               promote the ecological and humanistic beauty of the South Penghu Marine National Park, 4 pre-

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