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In terms of interpretation education, environmental education for elementary school students and
adults continued to be held. Artists See the Beauty of National Park and other activities were held, and
Taroko (Truku) tribe music and dance culture and cultural and creative industries were promoted.
In 2022, we will continue to carry out facility maintenance and disaster repair, implement the
4th overall review of the Taroko National Park Plan and continue to promote conservation re-
search, interpretation education, and indigenous resources joint management, building a partner-
ship with village communities to protect the value of diverse resources.
Improving trail facilities to build a high-quality moun- Taroko Tribal Concert
tain climbing environment
(5) Shei-Pa National Park
Shei-Pa National Park is located in the Xueshan Range in north-central Taiwan. It is a national
park in an alpine zone with important species and populations, providing visitors with a place for
recreation, environmental education, and ecological tourism.
In 2021, with respect to conservation, we completed 11 commissioned projects, including re-
source surveys and habitat monitoring, and held 4 sessions of the "Shei-Pa Conservation Lecture
Series." This year, we found 8,542 individuals in the Formosan landlocked salmon population.
Moreover, we worked with the Taiwan Forestry Research Institute to release Formosan landlocked
salmon into their historical habitat at the Piluchi basin to further expand their habitat range.
In terms of education, 236 events and environmental education lectures were organized. Addition-
ally, the office was awarded the 2021 Wetland Medal by the Ministry of the Interior for the "Environ-
mental Education of the Chichiawan Creek Wetland in Shei-Pa National Park," further enhancing the
ecosystem service of the wetland and deepening the related environmental education.