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Overall Review)" will be handled to take into account the balance between the rights and interests of
the people and environmental protection and continue to promote the maintenance of various envi-
ronmental facilities and damage repair projects.
(4) Taroko National Park
Taroko National Park is located in eastern Taiwan and is famed for its magnificent mountain,
gorge terrain, rich ecology, and cultural resources.
In terms of operation and management in 2021, the Forth comprehensive review of the Taroko Na-
tional Park Plan, park spatial information updating, and a project to expand the display inquiry system
were carried out; we continued to handle the Indigenous Area Resources Joint Management Commit-
tee and subsidized the holding of indigenous activities and empowerment training, to promote the
building of partnership relations. Also, a park shuttle bus at Lunar New Year, Mt. Hehuan Snow Duty,
park public accident liability insurance, and additional insurance, supervision, checking, and evaluation
of public safety management and protection were also handled to raise the level of recreation service
quality. In response to the effects of the pandemic, we implemented traffic control at scenic spots and
rent relief measures; we implemented a mountain cabin overall improvement plan, completed the
construction of cabins of Bilu and Pingfeng mountain, enhanced prevention of loss of direction signs,
and adjusted dangerous routes to build a high-quality mountain climbing environment.
Indigenous Area Resources Joint Management Com- Cabin built on Pingfeng Mountain
In terms of environmental maintenance, a project to link the Central Cross-island Highway and
Zhuilu Trail, renovation of facilities in the Gorge section, and service facilities and car park at Mt.
Hehuan Service Station were completed. In terms of conservation, eight outsourced research and
handling plans were completed; Formosan Landlocked Salmon restoration, conservation patrols,
and monitoring, advocacy, and removal of alien invasive species were carried out.