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perience itinerary. They all effectively gathered the strength of the residents of the park and jointly
created a national park landscape ecology and habitat conservation.
In terms of ecological conservation, the headquarters actively carried out the investigation and
research of Menghuan Pond resources and was awarded the Special Award of the 2019 Annual
International and National important Wetlands Management. The HQ also completed 6 cases of
commissioned research, 10 postgraduate research plans, and 1 publication of conservation research
results. In order to improve the ecological environment of the park and to restore and protect the
habitat, a total of 7.61 hectares of invasive alien species were removed. Citizens participated in the
"2021 Yangmingshan National Park Biological Quick Check Activity". A total of 150 people partici-
pated in the park's flora and fauna investigation, and 1,251 records were obtained.
As for interpretive education, the total number of participants exceeds 20,000 with the annual envi-
ronmental education and ecotourism services, 41 times of environmental education course promotion,
and 6 times of campus promotion, plus one session of youth training camp and 6 times of "Visiting
Yangmingshan in Four Seasons" program
were held, all of which have been well re-
ceived and effectively promoted the concept
of national parks. Continuing the previous
achievements in environmental education,
the HQ continued to organize volunteer and
environmental education teacher training
courses. Thus, among the volunteer team, 30
volunteers won the 2021 Annual "Internal Af- Youth Training Camp, April 2021
fairs Volunteer Service Award", and 16 people
received the "Volunteer Service Award from
the Ministry of Health and Welfare" We hope
to provide better education and recreational
environment experience, and achieve the
goal of fascinating service and ecological sus-
In 2022, the operation and follow-up pro-
Firefly Watch at Tianxiyuan Ecology Educa-tion Cen-
cess of the "Yangmingshan National Park (4th ter, May 2021