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liminary courses for commentators, 83 people passed, and 4 advanced courses for commentators,
               58 people passed. Marine National Park Headquarters Photo Contest was held with 1,791 visitors.
               We held the South Penghu Marine National Park Exhibition – A Marvelous Journey at the Penghu
               Airport to share conservation ideas with the public from June 8, 2020, to October 30, 2021, which

               72,350 people visited.

                  In 2022, we will continue to promote conservation and hold environmental education courses
               to achieve the sustainable management of our national parks.

               Snorkeling Instructor Safety Education and Training  Courses for commentators were held to promote the
                                                           ecological and humanistic beauty of The South Peng-
                                                           hu Marine National Park

            (8) Taijiang National Park (TJNP)
                  Taijiang National Park's area includes the Tainan Sicao area and Qigu District. It is located in
               southwest Taiwan, and it's a wetland national park.

                  In 2021, in terms of management, one set of community ecotourism programs and three
               items of project design and packaging was completed; in addition, 20 financial grants for com-
               munity empowerment were approved. Implemented the policy of Paying Tribute to the Sea and
               cleaned up a total of 233 tons of marine waste. In order to enhance carbon-free tours with public
               transportation, the Taijiang Interpretation Bus operated 43 times, with total tourist satisfaction

               reaching 96%.

                  In terms of ecological conservation, we completed a commissioned research project and eight
               commissioned projects and continued to lead the survey of the number of black-faced spoonbills.
               According to the survey in 2022, there were 3,306 spoonbills in the Greater Tainan Area, which

               exceeded 2,000 for eight consecutive years, indicating that the number of black-faced spoonbills

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