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Realistic environmental training on simulators will improve the ability of pilots to respond to emer-
               gencies during missions and improve flight safety.

            (3) Common crew training will be enhanced by requiring a full team for every emergency rescue train-
               ing mission. Realistic training that meets actual mission requirements will also be conducted.

            3. Strengthen fleet maintenance and management through enhanced mainte-
               nance capabilities
            (1) Contract performance supervision: Develop a plan for conducting contract performance supervision

               and quality assurance audits of the contractor-supported Blackhawk helicopters, Dauphin helicop-
               ters, and fixed-wing aircraft, as well as for internal audits of the self-supported fleet maintenance.
               This is to ensure that the quality of aircraft maintenance complies with technical specifications, avia-

               tion safety requirements, and meets the target availability rate of 65% for the overall fleet.
            (2) Continued diversification of the component supply chain:

                 For the acquisition of aviation materials used in aircraft maintenance, overseas procurement will
                 prioritize military channels, while domestic procurement will be conducted in accordance with

                 the Government Procurement Act.
                 The Army Command Headquarters will be asked to sign a military procurement contract with

                 the U.S. government for the Blackhawk helicopter components required by the NASC from 2023
                 through to 2027.

                 The NASC is coordinating with the Armed Forces to have faulty Blackhawk helicopter compo-
                 nents serviced at their depots or shipped back to the U.S. for repair through military procure-
                 ment channels. This arrangement should improve turn-around times for component repairs.

            (3) Enhanced training for maintenance personnel: Annual maintenance refresher training and testing
               shall be held for maintenance personnel assigned to the self-supported Blackhawk helicopter fleet
               to improve their maintenance skills. This is intended to maintain the self-supported fleet’s quality of

               maintenance and their ability to supervise the contract performance of maintenance contractors. Main-
               tenance training and testing for the crew chiefs of the contractor-supported fleets will be enforced to
               enhance their ability to supervise contractor performance at stations with contractor-supported fleets.

            4. Continue to perform office refurbishments and ensure that construction pro-

               ceeds as scheduled
                  The Taitung Station is to be completed in 2022. The NASC and the program manager (Construc-

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