P. 74

National Conscription

            selected by the MOI and the Ministry of Health and Welfare (MOHW) before military service recruit-
            ment. In addition to fulfilling the government's responsibility of caring for draftees, we will integrate
            the national health insurance system to assess the physical health of draftees through conscription
            examinations. This assessment will determine their physical condition and categorize them into posi-

            tions for regular military service, alternative military service, or exemption from service. The conscrip-
            tion category will be determined based on the positions identified.

               The Conscription Health Determination Committee has been set up in order to protect the rights
            of draftees and ensure the accurate determination of their physical condition. Based on its profes-

            sional medical knowledge and experience, the committee provides objective and ethical opinions
            for exemptions or controversial cases. A total of 121,488 men received a conscription examination
            in 2022, including 80,663 whose physical condition qualified them for regular service draftees; 7,094
            whose physical condition qualified them for substitute service draftees; 30,510 whose physical condi-

            tion qualified them for military service exemption; 1,112 with uncertain physical condition; and 2,109
            in the special examination process.

            VII. Educational Backgrounds of Draftees

               The educational background of draftees has improved year after year due to the higher living
            standards, the popularization of education, and the enhancement of the educational environment in
            Taiwan. The improved quality of draftees has thus led to an increase in battle effectiveness. See Ta-
            ble 6-1 for details.

              Table 6-1  Military Register Investigation of Males into the Military Service Age by Education
                                                                                             Unit: %
                                        University, College             Junior High
                  Year         Total                     (Vocational)                   Others
                                           and Above                      School
                                                         High School
                  2018         100.0         49.3           48.4           2.1           0.3
                  2019         100.0         46.9           50.6           2.1           0.4

                  2020         100.0         47.6           50.1           2.1           0.2

                  2021         100.0         48.3           49.6           2.0           0.2
                  2022         100.0         50.3           47.5           2.0           0.2

   69   70   71   72   73   74   75   76   77   78   79