P. 60

Land Administration

            been established, and the models for all counties and cities have been systematized. The land price
            segment map has been compiled by computers, and the benchmark land price has been selected
            and evaluated. The construction of the models in counties and cities across the country was com-
            pleted in 2022.

            VII. Reasonable Adjustment of Land Rights

            1. Rights of Foreigners to Acquire and Transfer Land

               To protect our citizen’s livelihoods and national security within the ROC, any case of land acquisi-
            tion or transfer by foreigners must be approved by the relevant special municipal/county/city govern-

            ments and reported to the MOI. In 2022, 1,149 plots with a total area of 75,382.60 square meters and
            1,115 buildings with a total area of 309,946.77 square meters were consequently approved for acqui-

            2. Approving Public Land Appropriation
               Because government agencies need public land to establish public undertakings, the MOI, on
            behalf of the Executive Yuan, approved the appropriation of 1,011 public land plots with a total area

            of 61.55 hectares and 42 buildings with a total area of 64,070.51 square meters, in accordance with
            Article 26 of the Land Act in 2022.

            3. Approving Public Land Disposition
               In order to deal with the disposition, encumbrance, or leasing of the land owned by special mu-

            nicipalities/counties/cities for a period longer than ten years, the MOI, on behalf of the Executive
            Yuan, approved the disposition of 599 public land plots with a total area of 43.37 hectares, as well as
            the disposition of 29 buildings with a total area of 23,456.01 square meters, in accordance with Article
            25 of the Land Act in 2022.

            VIII. Promoting Land Use

               The MOI adjures local governments to conduct land readjustment and zone expropriation, in
            order to promote land use and development in conjunction with urban reconstruction and rural com-
            munity renewal. The goal in this case is to promote the synchronous development of urban and rural

            parts of the country, in order to provide excellent quality of life for the residents of these areas.

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