P. 192
3. Continuing to promote the Biometrics Verification System for Foreign Visitors
In order to effectively prevent imposters from
entering the borders, and to assist in the veri-
fication of passenger identities, the Biometrics
Verification System for Foreign Visitors has been
fully launched in all main airports and seaports
in Taiwan. As of the end of 2022, 395 biometric
verification kiosks had been constructed, with
36,434,490 fingerprints collected and 55,141,485
records verified, showing excellent results and
effectively preventing imposters and identity Online Collection of Biometrics for Foreign
fraud. Visitors
4. Promoting the Suspicious Passport Comparison System
The NIA has been continually improving the efficacy of the Immigration Inspection System, which
incorporates a database of authentic passport samples and digital magnifiers so as to effectively de-
tect counterfeit passports and visas. As of the end of 2022, the database contained samples of pass-
ports and travel documents from 208 nations/areas/organizations and 1,161 types of passports and
travel documents in total.
5. Developing diverse applications of the Personal Identity Verification Assis-
tance System
The Personal Identity Verification Assistance System (PIVAS) aims to provide various application
system services. Since its integration with the Immigration Inspection System in 2021, the PIVAS has
performed well in verification and capacity, and was integrated with various identity verification ap-
plications. The NIA officially launched the Mobile BoiMetrics (MBMs) in September 2022. The MBMs,
equipped with a high-resolution camera, provides additional support for moving and shaking sce-
narios to achieve efficient face recognition services and strengthen border security. In October 2022,
the system was increased the comparison capacity and improved the efficiency of special tasks. The
system is expected to develop more applications in the future to further strengthen border security.
6. Promoting the Passenger Name Record System
The Passenger Name Record System (PNR) collects relevant information of tourists' reservations