P. 170
National Fire Services
XI. Information Management
1. Promoting the expansion and upgrade of equipment rooms
In January 2017, the Executive Yuan formulated the "Operation Directions for the Establishment
of Information Centers of the Executive Yuan and its Subordinate Agencies" as the basis for estab-
lishing information centers of respective agencies, which accelerates the consolidation of the data
handling rooms, to enhance the overall service standard of the government’s information centers. At
the same time, based on these operation directions, government agencies at all levels must establish
high-efficiency green data handling rooms or lease green-energy cloud data center services; further-
more, through governments’ guidance, enterprises could invest in resources, thus promoting the
development of green-energy data rooms and cloud services industry domestically, enhancing the
overall resource utilization rate, and thereby elevating the effectiveness of disaster prevention and
administrative. The main achievements are as follows:
(1) The spirit of centralized data handling rooms for information sharing is to be kept, while gradually
replenishing existing and introducing new data handling equipment.
(2) The architecture of cloud data centers lies
in double-location dual data centers (in
an Active-Active mode), where one cen-
ter serves as the main cloud data center
and the other center serves as the backup
cloud data center. The main cloud data
Showing Achievements in the Data Handling Room
center is established sequentially at two Updated with AR/VR Virtual Touring Features
locations, where one is the cloud services
leased in 2021 under the “Plan for Better
Services to People with the Extended
Transmission of Disaster Alerts and Mes-
sages," and the other one is the data
center located at the NFA, established by
items by stage. In 2022, the “Plan for Bet-
ter Services to People with the Extended
Monitoring of the Environment of the Data Han-
Transmission of Disaster Alerts and Mes- dling Room (Power Usage Effectiveness (PUE)
Indicator <1.3, in Compliance with Green Energy
sages" and the NFA’s “Administration and Requirements)