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drug-related intelligence gathering with collaborative police platforms to better combat drug crimes.
               In deterring fraud crimes, the NPA continues to work in the investigation and prevention of fraud; has
               strengthened its investigation of telecom fraud data centers and cash mules; has actively searched out
               suspects and accomplices of fraud rings; and has prevented victims’ payments from being accessed
               by scammers. As for curbing criminal gangs, in response to growing gang-related crimes, the NPA
               held several regional security meetings to strengthen preventive measures. The NPA also released an
               easier to use incident report to simplify the process of reporting a crime to better protect the rights of
               the public. To provide a safer environment for all citizens, the Stalking and Harassment Prevention Act
               was passed as a bulwark against related violations, while the NPA hosted the “Combating Cybercrime
               through International Law Enforcement Collaboration Virtual Workshop” to strengthen global coopera-
               tion and its ability to combat transnational crimes.
            7.  In the construction business, in order to strengthen land use management mechanisms, “municipali-
               ty or county (city) spatial plans” have been approved by the MOI and announced by the municipality
               or county (city) governments as the guidelines of land use throughout the country. The MOI has also
               assisted municipality or county (city) governments in the delineation of functional zones to create
               appropriate spatial planning. In response to climate change, conservation and utilization plans have
               been formulated to promote the ecological conservation and wise use of wetlands, thereby encour-
               aging their natural flood retention and carbon sink functions. To ensure residential safety, the CPA
               amended the Urban Renewal Act, formulating new assessment regulations for existing buildings with
               insufficient earthquake resistance. Through steps such as improving the process of dismantling dan-
               gerous buildings, the relaxing of floor space limits, and subsidizing local government in setting up
               counseling groups in accordance with the Statute for Expediting Reconstruction of Urban Unsafe and
               Old Buildings, the CPA has done much encourage the acceleration of necessary reconstruction. The
               central government has also established a National Housing and Urban Regeneration Center to boost
               government-led urban regeneration and to achieve a policy goal of providing 200,000 rental-only social
               housing units within eight years. The MOI also supports local governments in increasing their capacity
               to provide social housing through a combination of urban planning and urban regeneration policies.
               Along these same lines, the MOI’s Rental Housing Subleasing and Management Project (RHSMP) en-
               courages landlords to rent out private-owned apartments as social housing. Year after year, the MOI
               continues to create multiple policies to guarantee the right of residence for Taiwan’s underprivileged

            8.  In the area of firefighting, the MOI has strengthened its national disaster prevention and protection
               systems by deepening regional disaster resilience, thereby improving the disaster preparation of isolat-
               ed areas and increasing the overall efficiency of disaster prevention and protection. The MOI has also
               completed its introduction of disaster response and reporting mechanisms; strengthened the role of
               the Emergency Management Information Cloud 2.0 (EMIC2.0) and geospatial information in disaster
               reduction; enhanced relevant disaster prevention and protection capabilities; as well as cultivated tal-
               ented personnel through disaster prevention and protection training. All fire departments now use a
               health insurance VPN system to provide a Covid-19 patient’s travel and contact history to 119 disaster
               relief and rescue command centers to better ensure the safety of first responders.

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