P. 4


                                                       To create a stable, secure, and sure living envi-
                                                    ronment and address the welfare of the country and
                                                    its people, the Ministry of the Interior (MOI) actively
                                                    promotes policies and measures across six main areas:
                                                    “social stability and public safety,” “disaster prevention
                                                   and protection mechanisms, air search and rescue ca-
                                                  pabilities,” “sustainable land development and balanced
                                                 urban and rural development,” “secure borders and accel-
                                              erated urban renewal,” “citizen participation and the spirit of
                                           democracy” and “convenient services and protection of human
                                      rights.” In what follows, the aforementioned initiatives and goals are ex-
                                    plained in further detail.

            1.  In the area of civil affairs, the MOI promotes cross-boundary cooperation to enhance the efficiency of
               local governance. In response to the COVID-19 epidemic, the MOI has continued to cooperate with
               local governments to handle home quarantine-related work of entries to Taiwan and prevent commu-
               nity spread. Furthermore, the MOI has improved legal systems related to citizen participation; ensured
               democratic political participation; assisted with the operations of political parties; promoted the healthy
               development of a party-based political system; and enhanced parliamentary transparency of special
               municipality/county/city/township councils. Recently, the MOI has formulated the Provisional Act Gov-
               erning Religious Groups Registering Real Estate in the Name of a Natural Person, among other reli-
               gious freedom protections. In addition, the MOI has also drawn up preventive measures for religious
               sites; assisted religious groups in implementing pandemic-prevention policies; counseled religious
               foundations in the completion of financial management and organizational operations; completed
               mortuary service administration regulations and improved the quality of mortuary services. In response
               to the changing nature of the epidemic, the MOI has also established epidemic prevention measures
               for funeral facilities to prevent crowding; promoted filial piety and modern etiquette; and advanced the
               legal framework of national honors and decorations.
            2.  Regarding household registration, the MOI continues to promote a simplified administration frame-
               work and the offering of convenient services. The public can now use the Citizen Digital Certificate
               to apply for several household registrations online, including birthplace registration. The MOI has
               also introduced an auxiliary personnel identification confirmation system to strengthen the personal
               identification process; completed passport and automatic customs clearance cross-organization one-
               stop services; and amended the Nationality Act in order to actively recruit outstanding foreign talent.
               Meanwhile, in order to provide friendlier and more convenient services, it has simplified the process of
               naturalization for high-level professionals (i.e. Plum Blossom Card), general foreigners, and those who
               wish to apply for restoring their R.O.C. nationality. In addition, since the implementation of the Judicial

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