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tion office nationwide, the MOI promoted the acceptance of cross-city/county applications for land
registration. Its pilot implementation in special municipalities took place in July 2019, and in Oc-
tober 2019, nationwide implementation began. Starting from July 2020, the MOI not only formally
implemented the acceptance of cross-county/city applications for land registration, including seven
summary cases, such as change in domicile or name and building number adjustments, etc., but also
added new pilot items, like auction registration, registration of mortgage cancellation and registra-
tion of creation of mortgage, to outreach efficiency of service. As of the end of 2021, 67,223 cases
have been accepted.
8. Implementation of Measures for Online Statement of Land Registration
To facilitate the application for land registration and save travel time, in March 2020, the MOI im-
plemented the online statement of land registration measures. Applicants who adopt these measures
are exempted from attending the land registration office in person. Applicants can use their Citizen
Digital Certificate and enter their data into the Digital Counter website to submit their applications.
In addition, professional agents shall identify their client's identity and verify the statements. When
an agent is applying for land registration, they can submit the online statement form along with other
documents. Therefore, when the land registration office reviews a case, they can refer to the online
statement, thus balancing citizen service and the protection of their rights.
9. Promotion of Application for Land Registration Online
To comply with the goal of Service-oriented Smart Government 2.0, the MOI is promoting the
application for land registration, and the functions related to the Digital Counter System were added
in August 2021. In response to the service, the related regulations were amended or promulgated.
The online application includes full-process
and non-full-process, and the items to be
registered were also announced. The MOI
continued to reinforce the data connection
system across agencies and to connect or
inquire about data by land registration of-
fice to replace the enclosure of documents
by citizens, simplifying procedures and pro-
viding multiple channels of application for
citizens. Application for Land Registration Online