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4. Promoting the Instant Notification of Cadastral Changes
In order to prevent fake mortgages or transfers of real estate, the MOI has promoted the Instant
Notification of Cadastral Changes service since October 31, 2016. This service can help people get
registration/changing information on their real estate immediately at any time. This service is free
and can be applied for through the Internet or any land office. While the applicants’ real estates are
transferred or mortgaged, the service system will automatically issue the information by SMS or email
as soon as possible to secure the safety of property rights. The service is now more convenient since
people can apply for this service while applying for land registration starting in December, 2018. As
of the end of 2021, this service had been utilized 95,421 times.
5. Proactively Updating Household Addresses According to the Changed In-
formation Provided by Household Registration Offices
In order to ensure that the official documents sent by the land administration authorities are sent
to the correct household addresses, the local land offices have updated the information on changed
household addresses since 2018 by comparing and reviewing the information of building number
adjustment and administrative district adjustment provided monthly by the household registration
offices. As a result, if a household address is changed due to building number and administrative dis-
trict adjustments, the local land office will directly undertake the registration for change of domicile.
Through this inter-agency notification service, people can save time and costs without duplicate ap-
plications. In 2021, 45,995 cases for registration of change of domicile were completed.
6. Encouraging Legal Heirs to Apply for Inheritance Registration
Because some legal heirs do not know that they have estates to inherit, the MOI has been work-
ing to promote the service encouraging legal heirs to apply for inheritance registration since June
2014. According to the deceased’s registration of death information provided monthly by the house-
hold registration offices, the local land offices nationwide send notices to remind the heirs to apply
for inheritance registration within the time limit. As of the end of 2021, 564,786 cases have been pro-
actively notified. The notification service not only reduces fines imposed on heirs due to their negli-
gence or unfamiliarity with the laws, but also ensures the rights of the rightful holders, and improves
cadastral and taxation management.
7. Promoting the Acceptance of Cross-county/city Applications for Land Regis-
To facilitate the services and allow the public to apply for land registration at any land registra-