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(2) Establishment guidance
Seminars for cooperative initiators and establishment workshops were held to assist in under-
standing the related laws and regulations. In 2021, a total of 12 establishment workshops were held.
(3) Education and training of cooperatives
A series of education and training courses are organized for administrative personnel in charge of
cooperative matters in local governments, cooperatives, and credit unions every year. In 2021, a total
of 11 courses (9 physical courses and 2 online courses) were organized, with a total of 511 participants.
(4) Subsidy and inspection operations
Subsidies for cooperatives and credit unions were provided. In addition, on-site inspections
were conducted regarding the granted funds. In 2021, a total of 18 subsidies were provided and 6
cooperatives were inspected on site.
(5) Inter-cooperative cooperation
Cooperative development plans among cooperatives were promoted to strengthen inter-co-
operative collaboration and establish the brand images of cooperatives.
(6) Counselling Team for indigenous cooperatives
A Central Counselling Team for Indigenous Cooperatives was formed, and working plans for
the Counselling Team were drafted. In 2021, one meeting was held.
(7) Research for the refinement of cooperatives
Experts and scholars were entrusted to conduct research and analysis of cooperative enter-
prise cases, including strategic planning cases of social innovations driven by cooperative enter-
prises, revision cases of cooperative accounting systems by referring to examples, etc.
3. Counseling of Credit Unions
Credit unions are basically grassroots cooperative financial organizations, which are non-profit as-
sociational legal persons, composed of a group of commonly-related natural persons and non-prof-
it legal persons for the principles of self-assistance and mutual assistance. The purposes of credit
unions are to encourage their members to save money, to give loans to needful members at reason-
able interest rates and, in a simplified manner, to solve members’ needs in their lives or production.
Additionally, credit unions encourage their members, through continuous education and publicity, to