P. 41
2. Occupational Associations
Occupational associations are composed of units, groups or practitioners in the same industry,
including industry, commerce, freelance, farmers, fishermen, laborers, etc., for the purpose of coor-
dinating intra-industry relations, enhancing common interests, and promoting social and economic
construction. At the end of 2021, there were in total 473 industrial, commercial, and freelance asso-
ciations under the authority of the MOI, including 369 and 104 social associations nationwide and at
provincial levels, respectively.
In conjunction with the implementation of the International Covenant on Economic, Social, and
Cultural Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, and in response to amend-
ments to the Local Government Act, the amendments to the Industrial Group Act were prepared by
the MOI and proposed to the Executive Yuan on January 7, 2020, for deliberation (still in progress).
The focus of such amendments lies in the removal of various regulations by the regulatory authorities,
relaxation of the previous requirements on those occupational associations engaging in more than
one industry to mandatorily join a trade association belonging to one of the multiple industries the as-
sociations are in, relaxation of the requirements for qualification of membership in trade associations,
and discretional increase of the quota of directors (supervisors) of industrial associations, to ultimately
expect that the operational mechanism of domestic industrial associations can stay informed of new
developments and update operations.
To improve the organization of occupational associations, enhance their functions, and further acceler-
ate Taiwan’s economic and social construction, the Preparatory Office focuses on guiding and managing
occupational associations as follows:
(1) Amendments to the Industrial Group Act have been promoted continuously.
(2) In 2021, a total of 2 occupational associations at national level were assisted in their establishment
and registration.
(3) Performance evaluations for industrial and commercial freelance occupational associations nation-
wide were conducted. In 2021, a total of 5 associations were evaluated as excellent associations, 40
as good, and 67 as Class-A.
(4) The recognition of excellent staff of occupational associations nationwide was conducted. In 2021,
a total of 42 excellent staff were evaluated and selected for recognition awards.