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improve power efficiency: In order to improve the power efficiency of the NFA, an energy-saving air-con-
               ditioning system and insulation materials are adopted to isolate the wall temperature from the west.

            (7) Introduce the ISMS information security management system.
            (8) The average PUE of data center energy utilization efficiency is less than 1.6: The data center utili-

               zation efficiency (PUE) value of the NFA has been measured since May 2020, and the average val-
               ue is 1.35, which is better than the 1.60 required by the National Development Commission.

               Table 9-3  Green Energy Data Center of the NFA - Benefits of Centralized Computer Room

             Item                      Centralized content                     Benefit
                            Centralize the network of the NFA and its affiliated
                  Network lines
              1             agencies to the NFA and export them to the Internet.  Save on monthly internet line fees
                            There were more than 40 leased line cancellations.
                            The original leased EMIC 1.0 application system of the
                            Dongqi computer room, documents, and fire service
                  Application  systems in various locations were relocated to the com-  Save the cost of software and hardware and
              2   system    puter room of the NFA, and the monitoring of infor-  basic equipment in the computer room,
                  centralization  mation resources (CPU, memory, network, application   management manpower, and electricity, and
                            system) was enabled, and an alarm was notified by LINE   achieve the benefits of centralized monitoring
                            to achieve unified management

                                                                  1. Control software use among employees,
                                                                    block the installation of unknown software,
                                                                    and reduce the intrusion of computer viruses.
                            The NFA and all computers in various areas are in-
                  Computer  cluded in the AD domain control of the NFA (account   2. The software information installed in the
              3   domain    and clearance level management, computer environ-  computer and the information of computer
                  centralization                                    hardware configuration can be inspected,
                            ment management)
                                                                    which not only increases the efficiency of
                                                                    management but also reduces labor time and
                                                                  Incorporate in-depth protection of each area
                  Information   Unify the email protection, network traffic manage-
                  security  ment, network behavior management, etc., of the   to reduce internal and external information
              4                                                   security threats, and an information security
                  monitoring   NFA and various areas, which have passed ISO27001
                  centralization  verification after centralizing the computer room  loophole will not occur because of the limited
                                                                  budget of each area
                            The "Fire Service Portal" has been established, and
                            the application systems that the NFA has incorporated
                            into the portal login management include the Fire Law  Save a lot of costs for the construction, manage-
              5             Enquiry System, the Civil Power System, the ISMS Elec-  ment, and maintenance of the login manage-
                            tronic Form System, the Case Management and Control  ment system by developing separate accounts
                            System, and the Legislative Yuan's Question and Answer
                            System, and new systems will be added gradually.
                  Official  The official websites of various areas are included in the
              6   website   outsourced management of the official website mainte-  Save the cost of building and maintaining sepa-
                  centralization  nance of the NFA                rate management websites
                            Adopt energy-saving air-conditioning systems and in-  The National Development Council requires
              7             sulation materials for west-facing walls to reduce the  Power Energy Efficiency (PUE) <1.6, the current
                            temperature.                          average of the agency is <1.35
            Note: various areas refers to the four harbor fire brigade of Keelung, Taichung, Kaohsiung and Hualien.

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