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vided into 3 stages in 5 years, and each stage will be implemented for 3 years. The goal is to "expand the
recruitment of young professional manpower", "strengthen professional training for volunteer firefighters",
and "enhance disaster relief equipment". 2021 was the last year of this plan, and it was jointly promoted by
7 units, including Keelung City in the third echelon.
The specific results of 2021 are as follows:
(1) Expand recruitment of young professionals
Recruitment of new personnel: 3,641 new volunteers were recruited nationwide, totaling 44,887,
with an average age of 0.64 years younger than in 2016.
Recruiting professional talents: Newly established 3 functional volunteer firefighter brigades.
(2) Implementation of advanced and professional training
Conducted 35 sessions of advanced training for volunteer firefighters, which trained 1,534 per-
sons in total; and 11 sessions of professional training (such as mountain rescue, water area rescue,
emergency rescue, construction, and information and communications) for functional volunteer
firefighters, totally trained 244 persons.
(3) Enhance equipment and supplies
Purchased 70 sets of personal protective clothing, helmet, and shoes, 190 sets of breathing
apparatus, and relevant functional equipment and supplies for disaster relief equipment.
3. 2021 intensive training for volunteer firefighters and disaster prevention and
rescue groups:
(1) Held 2021 Fire Rescue Training for Volunteer Firefighters
Held "Fire Rescue Training for Volunteer Firefighters" from September 28 to November 9,
2021. Due to the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of classes was reduced to 13
classes of 520 students to enhance volunteer firefighters' fire rescue skills and disaster response
(2) Held Mountain Search and Rescue Training for Disaster Prevention and Rescue Groups
The training aims to enhance the mountain search and rescue capabilities of firefighting agencies
and registered mountain disaster prevention and rescue groups. Up to the end of 2021, 2,618 people
have completed the training.