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Innovative application of various big data, integration, and connection of multiple databases
               and statistical report analysis; introduction of intelligent and precise dispatch and map information
               system, mastering the distribution and management capacity of national disaster prevention and
               relief manpower and equipment so as to truly control the disaster relief energy of civil power and

               the unified dispatch during disaster period and follow-up assessment and evaluation, developing
               innovative intelligent system functions or APP systems to improve the flexibility of disaster relief
               and reduce the burden of human administrative operations.

            (2) Improving human resources

                  A total of 3,600 people received 120 training sessions (including mountain, water, land, rescue,

                 etc.) training for disaster prevention education and intensified composite professional training.
                  Recruiting professional talents: It is expected to complete the registration of 6 additional teams
                 of disaster prevention and rescue volunteers in 20 counties and cities across the country within

                 6 years.

            (3) Enhancing the replacement of equipment

                  Assist municipalities and counties (cities) to register disaster prevention and rescue volunteers
                 to carry out mountain search and rescue, water rescue, land rescue, emergency medical ser-
                 vice, and the enhancement of general common equipment.

                  Assist the newly established and registered disaster prevention and rescue volunteers in mu-
                 nicipalities and counties (cities) to obtain the equipment required for cooperative work so as

                 to effectively assist firefighters in various disaster prevention and relief tasks and improve the
                 efficiency of cooperative work. The newly required disaster prevention and rescue volunteer
                 equipment shall be submitted by each municipality and county (city) according to the disaster
                 characteristics and service needs of the county, city, and district.

                  If the county or city has additional equipment requirements directly related to the above cate-
                 gories, it can be submitted to the NFA for case-by-case review within the budget limit accord-

                 ing to administrative procedures.

            2. Continuous Promotion of the Mid-Term Plan for Improving the Manpower,
               Equipment, and Supplies of Volunteer Firefighter Organizations

               On July 6, 2016, the Executive Yuan approved and passed the "Mid-Term Plan for the Improving the
            Manpower, Equipment, and Supplies of Volunteer Firefighter Organization (2017-2021)", which was di-

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