P. 127
In 2021, local governments were urged to conduct inspections of public safety in large depart-
ment stores, shopping malls, and hypermarkets during anniversary sales and before the Chi-
nese New Year holiday. Inspections were carried out in 465 locations.
(2) Random inspections of 241 mechanical amusement park facility items at 30 locations were carried
out in 2021.
(3) Completed 2021 national signboard advertisements and established advertisement safety inspec-
tions, handled the supervision business.
(4) In 2021, 11 applications for approvals on the review report of fire safety and evacuation in build-
ings and 667 fire-retardant building material certificates were issued.
(5) In 2021, applications for issuance or change of public inspection certificates were processed. Cer-
tificate applications from 14 professional inspection organizations (issuance, renewal) and inspec-
tor certificate applications from 403 individuals (issuance, renewal) were processed.
8. Building Disaster Prevention and Relief Work
(1) In 2021, post-disaster dangerous building assessment drills were conducted, in which 2,021 peo-
ple participated.
(2) In 2021, the plan for registration and utilization of heavy engineering machines was implemented,
and 8,386 heavy construction machines and 4,535 operators were registered.
(3) As of the end of 2021, preliminary seismic evaluation was conducted for 30,349 public-owned build-
ings; seismic evaluation was conducted for 16,199 public-owned buildings; seismic retrofitting was
conducted for 9,368 public-owned buildings; and demolition was conducted for 2,178 public-owned
buildings, based on the Building Seismic Capacity Evaluation and Upgrade Program.
(4) Supervised special municipalities and county/city governments in completing safety inspections at
416 controlled slope land housing districts in 2021.
9. Installation and Inspection of Elevators and Mechanical Parking Facilities in
(1) In 2021, 2,163 applications for elevator maintenance technician certificates and certificate renewal
were processed.
(2) In 2021, 161 applications for mechanical parking facility maintenance technician certificates and
certificate renewal were processed.