P. 67
Land Administration
X. Territorial Administration
1. Examining Applications for Delineation of the Course for Laying, Maintaining,
and Modifying Submarine Cables or Pipelines on the Continental Shelf of
the ROC
According to the "Regulations of Permission on Delineation of the Course for Laying, Maintaining,
and Modifying Submarine Cables or Pipelines on the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China,"
the MOI has conducted 7 examination meetings in 2017, approving 2 surveying applications, 3 laying
applications and 9 one-year-term maintenance applications. In addition, the MOI also approved
11 applications for emergency maintenance, kept 12 reports on emergency maintenance for future
reference, approved 3 applications for maintenance extension, accepted 1 report on laying survey
submarine cables, approved 1 application for laying survey submarine cables extension and 1 reports
on surveying submarine cables. In addition, in conjunction with the amendment of the Coastal Zone
Management Act, the Underwater Cultural Heritage Preservation Act and non-urban land use control
regulations, the MOI amended foregoing Regulations on November 9, 2017; furthermore, to enact the
Regulation, the MOI modified the form of relative applications and reports.
2. Commissioning the Projects of Marine Survey and Map Integrating
In order to establish a national marine database, for the benefit of integration of map information,
the MOI initiated a five-year-term "Marine Survey and Map Integrating Project (2015-2120)" in 2015. It
contains an annual layaway basic survey, Electronic Navigation Charts (ENC) value-added production,
island reef monitoring and marine legal research and other related works; all the results will be
provided to different organs in accordance with the need for self-value-added applications, but also
for maritime delimitation decision-making and maintenance. In 2017, that for the north and south of
Taiwan Strait and surrounding waters of Taiping Island had been completed in a marine survey that
involved 16 voyages, 112 days, and a 7,789.4 mile length of marine survey operations. Furthermore,
private industry of surveying was commissioned to accomplish investigation of depth of water for the
south and southwest of Penghu, near shore sea of Matsu that involved 7,740.8 mile length of depth of
water marine survey operations; and completed production of 114 ENC. For ensuring the navigational
safety, the MOI will accomplish Taiwan ENC in accordance with international standard before 2019.