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            (4) Management of assemblies and parades
                  Under the provisions of the “Assembly and Parade Act,” the “Operation Directions for Police
               Agencies Processing Application for Assembly or Parade Permit,” and the principle of protecting

               lawfulness, banning illegality, deterring violence, administration according to law, and maintain-
               ing political neutrality, the police arrest violent criminals at the scenes for their offenses, collect
               concrete evidence, and bring the offenders to trial. A total of 34,870 assemblies and parades were
               reported to the police in 2022, and 690,542 police officers were assigned to maintain public order.

            (5) Security arrangements for Republic of China National Day (“Double Ten Day”)

                  A command center for security arrangements for the 2022 Taiwan National Day celebrations was
               set up to integrate and coordinate all resources from the police, military police, and relevant intelli-

               gence agencies. The NPA was responsible for implementing security measures and maintaining traffic
               order. A total of 9,825 police officers, soldiers, and auxiliary officers were mobilized.

            (6) Counter-terrorism preparedness

                  The NPA of the Ministry of the In-
                 terior mainly focused its 2022 Jing-
                 Yong Security Drill project on critical
                 infrastructure. It instructed 32 police
                 departments to carry out the 2022

                 simulations, in which police faced
                 major man-made security threats and
                 terrorist attacks for the purpose of
                 familiarizing officers with contingency

                 measures and reducing casualties
                 and property losses that might be      Counter-terrorism Exhortation Before Going on Duty
                 caused by major security incidents.
                  In 2022, the NPA of the Ministry of the Interior conducted 12 joint training sessions for 420

                 S.W.A.T. members specialized in counter-terrorism. They were officers from the special oper-
                 ations group of the First Special Police Corps, the thunder squads of municipality/county/city
                 police departments, the fifth investigation brigade of the Criminal Investigation Bureau, and
                 the special police corps and police dog units of the Aviation Police Bureau. Through joint train-

                 ing, they cultivated good teamwork and strengthened their performance capability and ability
                 to deal with major man-made security incidents.

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