P. 40

Cooperatives And Civil Associations

            tions are in; relaxation of membership qualification in trade associations; and discretional increase of
            the quota of directors (supervisors) of industrial associations, so that ultimately, domestic industrial as-
            sociations can stay informed of new developments and update operations.

               To improve the organization of occupational associations, enhance their functions, and further acceler-

            ate Taiwan’s economic and social construction, the Preparatory Office focuses on guiding and managing
            occupational associations as follows:

            (1) Promote amendments to the Industrial Group Act continuously.

            (2) Assisted in the establishment and registration of four occupational associations at the national lev-
               el in in 2022.

            (3) Conduct performance evaluations for industrial and commercial freelance occupational associa-
               tions nationwide. In 2022, a total of 10 associations were evaluated as excellent associations, 51 as

               good, and 57 as Class-A.
            (4) Give recognition to excellent staff from occupational associations nationwide. In 2022, a total of 48

               excellent staff was evaluated and selected for recognition awards.
            (5) The 2022 annual joint meeting for industrial, commercial, and freelance occupational associations

               nationwide and observational learning activities of excellent associations was conducted. In 2022,
               two sessions were held, garnering a total of 162 participants.

            (6) To strengthen the promotion and business contact with responsible authorities for civil associations at
               all levels, and to extensively communicate and discuss practical concepts and review implementation
               results, a subsidy was granted for the “2022 Seminar for Management and Practical Operations of Co-
               operatives and Civil Associations & Future Trends.” In 2022, one seminar session was held in Taichung

               City, garnering 63 participants from all levels of government.
            (7) To implement and promote the Regulations for the Security and Maintenance of Personal Information

               Files in Cooperative & Civil Associations-related Non-government Agencies, the 2022 Associational
               Affair Workshops for Civil Associations and Cooperatives was conducted to familiarize the associations
               with the said regulations. In 2022, a total of five workshops were held —three in Taipei City, one in Tai-
               chung City and one in Kaohsiung City, garnering a total of 337 participants. In addition, the workshops

               were recorded and put on the website of the MOI to allow government agencies at all levels, civil asso-
               ciations and cooperatives to conduct education and training for the regulations without temporal and
               location constraints.

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