P. 24

Civil Affairs

            8. Elections of Township/City Mayors
               The first-term mayors of townships/cities were chosen directly by the residents of the special munici-

            palities, counties/cities, and townships/cities in October 1950 over the course of eight elections, with 19
            elections having been held by November 2022. Meanwhile, in Fuchien Province, the thirteenth-term may-
            ors of townships/cities in Kinmen County were elected, and twelfth-term mayors of townships/cities were

            elected in Lienchiang County.

            9. Elections of Township/City Councilors and Village Chiefs

               The first-term township/city representatives and village chiefs were chosen directly by the resi-
            dents of the special municipalities, counties/cities, and townships/cities in February 1946. Twenty-two
            elections for township/city representatives and village chiefs had been held as of November 2022,

            while in Fuchien Province, the thirteenth-term elections for township/city representatives and village
            chiefs in Kinmen County took place, and the twelfth-term township/city representatives and village
            chiefs were elected in Lienchiang County.

            10. Elections of Chiefs and Councilors of Indigenous Districts in Municipalities
               In 2014, an autonomous system was adopted for indigenous districts in municipalities. The third-

            term chief and councilors of indigenous districts in municipalities were chosen directly by their re-
            spective residents in November, 2022.

            V. Promotion and Development of Religious Affairs

               Article 13 of the Constitution reads: "The people shall have freedom of religious belief." Such
            freedom ensures that people have the freedom to believe in any religion and to participate in any
            religious activities. The State shall neither forbid nor endorse any particular religion, and shall never
            extend any privileges or disadvantages to people on the basis of their particular religious beliefs. The
            guarantee of freedom of religious belief shall include freedom of personal religious belief, freedom

            of religious practices, and freedom of religious association.

               In order to protect the freedom of religious beliefs and to ensure the sound development of reli-
            gious groups, besides continuing to assist the legalization of temples, the MOI will actively promote the

            right of religious communities to autonomy in structuring their religious affairs. Meanwhile, in order to
            guarantee the property of religious groups from becoming privately owned, the MOI has finished the

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