P. 184

National Airborne Service

            2. Optimize fleet duty station configuration and enhance flight training perfor-

            (1) NASC will continue to organize conversion training for augmented Blackhawk helicopters at Hualien
               Duty Station to strengthen maritime search and rescue capabilities in the northern region.

            (2) NASC will continue to actively organize overseas simulator training on the AS-365N and Beech-
               craft King Air200 for flight crews. To enhance UH-60M simulator training capacity, agreement was
               reached with the Army Aviation and Special Forces Command of MND to provide additional train-

               ing slots. The extension of Thursday training sessions from 12:00~17:00 to 12:00~22:00 in 2023
               will allow each person to undertake 3~4 trainings lasting 6~8 hours each year. The realistic envi-
               ronment provided by the simulator will enhance the ability of pilots to respond to emergencies
               during missions and improve flight safety.

            (3) Joint training controls will be strengthened with all rescue training sessions to be conducted by
               the actual ready crews. The training will simulate realistic rescue scenarios to meet the require-

               ments of real-world missions.

            3. Strengthen fleeting management performance and upgrade aircraft equip-
               ment performance

            (1) Portable batteries aboard the Blackhawk helicopters will be replaced with control and power cir-
               cuitry for the aerial firefighting bucket to eliminate battery maintenance, remove operating restric-
               tions, and provide a reliable electrical system for powering equipment; acrylic bubble windows will
               also be fitted to the aircraft passenger/cargo bay doors to expand the field of view for search and

               rescue missions in the rear cabin.
            (2) Contract performance supervision and quality assurance audits for all types of aircraft as well as self-su-

               pervision of self-maintained fleets will be
               strengthened. Implementation will be led
               by experienced maintenance personnel
               to strengthen contractor performance and

               provide assurance on maintenance quality.
            (3) Annual refresher and maintenance training

               will be continued to be organized along
                                                           Strengthening the maintenance capability and
               with continued refinement of equipment
                                                           servicing knowledge of maintenance personnel on
               operations. Professional ability will be ver-  each type of aircraft

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