P. 18

Civil Affairs

            IV. Elections

            1. Elections of Central-level Representatives, President, and Vice President

               Following the adoption of the Constitution of the ROC, the first-term national assemblymen, leg-
            islators, and Control Yuan members were elected in 1947. Subsequently, the retreat from the Main-
            land made further balloting for these centrally elected representatives impossible. In order to cope

            with such changes, the President established a series of rules and regulations. These rules included
            relevant laws made in accordance with the authorization of the Temporary Provisions Effective during
            the Period of National Mobilization for the Suppression of the Communist Rebellion. Elections of
            additional and supplementary officials were conducted. In accordance with Constitutional Interpre-

            tation No. 261, all of the first-term senior central-level representatives retired on December 31, 1991.
            The second-term national assemblymen were then elected in the same year in accordance with the
            Additional Articles of the Constitution of the ROC. The second-term legislators were elected in 1992.
            Control Yuan members were since then nominated by the President and had to be approved by the

            National Assembly. Based on the Additional Articles of the Constitution of the ROC in April 2000, the
            National Assemblymen were then elected on demand. According to the Additional Articles of the
            Constitution of the ROC in June 2005, the National Assembly was abolished and national assembly-
            men thus ceased to be elected. The number of seats was reduced to 113, and legislators since then

            have served a term of four years and are elected under a "single-district, two-vote system" (a mixture
            of the "Single-winner System" and the "Two Votes System"). Elections of national assemblymen and
            legislators are shown in Table 2-1.

               To meet the requirements before the re-unification of the nation, according to the Additional Ar-

            ticles of the Constitution of the ROC in August 1994, legislation was passed stating that the President
            and Vice President must be elected by direct popular vote in the free area of the ROC starting from
            the ninth term. See Table 2-2 for details.

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