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National Fire Services

               name a few demonstrations. These demonstrations aimed to enhance disaster rescue personnel’s
               related emergency response or rescue capabilities related to EVs.

            (4) On August 27 and 28, 2022, the “2022 Car Accident Rescue Challenge” was held at the Nantou
               Zhushan Training Center of the NFA. Fourteen teams, including ten teams from fire agencies and
               four teams from private rescue groups, registered for the challenge competition. Through ex-
               changes in the competition, fire service personnel strengthened their technique levels for vehicle

               accident rescue and team building among fire agencies at all levels.
            (5) For a total of 11 days in three separate weeks, from November 28 to December 1, from December

               12 to 14, and from December 19 to 22, 2022, the “Training for Fire Rescue Commanders through
               Situational Simulation” was conducted to elevate the command and leadership capabilities of
               Commanders from fire agencies at all levels, for fires of Level 3 and above, when facing various
               types of fire scenes (e.g., historical sites, high-rise buildings, chemical disaster sites, electric ve-

               hicles, solar photovoltaic systems, etc.), including the decision-making and communication ca-
               pabilities based on their knowledge of safety and risk management. This training also aimed to
               construct a command management system and operations for Commanders, and enhance Com-
               manders’ understanding of how Safety Officers can assist Commanders in managing risk and deal-

               ing with situations potentially trapping fire service personnel in action, thus ultimately elevating
               the strategic and tactical capabilities of fire agencies, directing disaster rescue through post-inci-
               dent reviews and improvement measurements.

            (6) Implementing the “Program for Building a Safe Chemical Environment”

                  To enhance and fortify local governments' ability to respond to frontline environmental emergen-
               cies, the NFA has conducted the 5-year “Program for Building a Safe Chemical Environment” funded
               by the central government, with budgets appropriated year by year, from 2020 to 2024, to provide

               continuous subsidies to disaster rescue agencies of local governments, allowing them to expand their
               disaster rescue information systems, fire rescue robots, UAVs for aerial photography via infrared ther-
               mal imaging, equipment and appliances for chemical disaster rescue, special equipment and appli-
               ances for disaster rescue, digital breathing apparatus, portable remote-controlled water gun-turrets,
               physical training equipment, special disaster simulation training facilities, and more.

            2. Strengthening emergency response measures during key periods

            (1) The "2022 Spring Festival - Plan for Fire Agencies at all Levels to Strengthen Preparedness in Fire
               Rescue" was conducted to instruct fire agencies at all levels on the preparedness of all kinds of

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