P. 146

National Fire Services

            I. Fire Service Organizations

               The National Fire Agency (NFA), Ministry of the Interior (MOI), is the authority for the unified com-
            mand and supervision of fire service-related matters across the country. The NFA oversees the planning
            and execution of fire service administration, disaster prevention, and rescue services across the country.

            Currently, the organization of the NFA is structured into eight divisions, one center, and four offices, each
            of which is responsible for various functions, respectively. Moreover, two units, namely the Special Search
            and Rescue Team and Fire Training Center, have been established under the NFA to be dispatched to
            the field for specific missions. In addition to the NFA, which was established at the central government

            level, four fire brigades have been established under the jurisdiction of the NFA at the port level, namely,
            the Port of Keelung, Port of Taichung, Port of Kaohsiung and Port of Hualien, which are responsible for
            various fire services and disaster prevention and rescue in their respective port areas.

            II. Disaster Management

            1. Promoting the "Program for Strengthening Resilience of Taiwan in Disaster
               Preparedness and Collaboration Capabilities against Large-Scale Typhoon

               and Earthquake Disasters"
               From 2018 to 2022, the five-year "Mid-Term Phase III Exhaustive Program for Disaster Prevention and
            Rescue" has been promoted by the NFA with excellent results. 2022 marked the last year of this mid-term

            program, during which the NFA continued to refine the outcomes of the Program implemented over the
            previous four years, enhance the resilience of urban disaster prevention, promote a training and certifica-
            tion system for disaster prevention personnel, judge community progress and reward success with a "resil-

            ient community" designation, and promote private enterprises’ involvement in disaster prevention, while
            strengthening emerging disaster prevention areas, such as regional governance of municipalities, counties
            (cities), and public offices. As of December 2022, a total of 15,794 people nationwide had successfully re-
            ceived a certificate as disaster prevention personnel, and as many as 964 disaster prevention personnel had
            been appointed as disaster prevention instructors (including entry-level instructors and advanced instruc-

            tors training subsequent trainers). An instructor database was set up according to courses offered. Further-
            more, guidance was provided to 126 communities to strengthen their resilience in disaster preparedness,
            and field visits were made for result inspection. Overall, the aim of resilient communities was to achieve

            self-help and mutual assistance in disaster preparedness through raising citizens’ awareness of disaster pre-
            vention, and enhancing the resilience capabilities of communities.

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