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Construction And Planning

               Prevention and Warning System for Home, and Survey on Intelligent Barrier-Free Guide Facilities
               for the Visually Impaired in Indoor Public Spaces.

            (2) The research results of this program led to the promotion of the "Guiding Principles for Anti-Slip
               Coefficients or Grades of Floor Tiles in Buildings". Local governments can refer to the guiding
               principles to make their decisions and formulate anti-slip regulations tailored to local conditions.
               Public projects can incorporate anti-slip coefficients or levels into contract requirements based on

               the needs of individual cases and refer to the guiding principles.
            (3) Assisted the K-12 Education Administration of the Ministry of Education in formulating "Key

               Points for the Installation of Accessible Facilities and Equipment in Public Schools Below Senior
               High School and Special Education Schools" and "Instructions for Inventory Operation of Acces-
               sible Facilities and Equipment in Public Schools Below Senior High School and Special Education
               Schools" to improve the accessibility of campus environments.

            (4) Participated in the "ATLife Taiwan 2022 Assistive Technology for Life", showcasing the results of
               the research and promotion of senior housing, senior-friendly environments, and therapeutic envi-

               ronments, which were recognized and affirmed by the public and the industry.

               In 2023, this research program will carry
            out the planning and design of accessible
            housing units in social housing, the planning
            and design of day-care center buildings, and
            research on the introduction of intelligent

            safety protection equipment into the living
            spaces of the elderly to provide the Ministry
            with a reference for policy promotion.

                                                          AT Life 2022- Assistive Technology for Life
            2. Fire Safety of Buildings

               Research, promotion, and application of building fire safety design and technology were carried
            out to maintain public safety in buildings. The related implementation results in 2022 are as follows:

            (1) Completion of 14 studies, including the "refinement of fire prevention countermeasures and regu-
               lations", "application of building sustainability and intelligent technology", "universal evacuation

               design and innovative technology", "improvement of fire prevention and smoke control perfor-
               mance and innovative technology", and "advanced research of fire compartments and steel struc-

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