P. 112

Construction And Planning

            (3) Yangmingshan National Park (YMSNP)
                  Situated in the Greater Taipei area, Yangmingshan National Park is renowned for its special

               volcanic landform and is the world's first quiet urban park. It has a varied climate, ecological envi-
               ronment, history, and unique culture.

                  In terms of operation and management, six administrative regulations, decrees, or projects
               have been newly added or revised. The Yangmingshan National Park Project (the Fourth Com-

               prehensive Review) was implemented in 2022. The headquarter promotes eco-friendly farming in
               the Park. 35 farmers have signed up as “Friendly Partners” of the Park Headquarter; 10 have been
               awarded organic certificates, and 10 have been recognized as eco-friendly farmers. Unity within

               the Park community has been effectively enhanced. The landscape environment and habitat pres-
               ervation result from the joint effort of Park community members.

                  Regarding ecological conservation, the Headquarter actively investigated and researched flora
               and fauna, including 7 commissioned research cases, 1 publication of conservation research results, 24

               sessions on habitat conservation and restoration efforts, and removing invasive alien species from 8.17
               hectares. We published the book “Tea of Grass Mountain: The Development of Taiwanese Tea Industry
               in Yangmingshan National Park 1830-1990,” which received the 2022 Excellence Award by the Taiwan
               Historica and the 46th Golden Tripod Award for Publications by the Ministry of Culture.

                  As for interpretive education, 24,423 visitors utilized the Park’s environmental education and
               eco-tourism services, 57 classes on environmental education, and 6 advanced training workshops
               were held, all of which have been well received and have successfully promoted the concept of
               national parks. The headquarter signed a memorandum of cooperation virtually with Gyeongju

               National Park of Korea on October 20, 2022, to enhance international exchange, formally estab-
               lishing an exchange mechanism between the national parks of Taiwan and Korea.

                  In 2023, we will continue promoting conservation, environmental education, and partnerships and
               improving recreation and facilities' quality. We strive to brand-build our national park and balance visitor

               enjoyment and environmental protection to honor the Park’s core value of sustainable development.

            (4) Taroko National Park

                  Taroko National Park is located in eastern Taiwan and is famed for its magnificent high moun-
               tains, gorge terrain, rich ecology, and culture.

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