P. 82
2. Rights and Responsibilities of Sub-
stitute Services Reservists Call-to-
Service and Utilization
In accordance with current laws and regula-
tions, reservists in substitute services have the
obligation for public service in drills, emergencies,
or war, and their utilization is submitted by the
agency in need after obtaining the prior consent
Group photo of the reservists during the training call
and authorization of the MOI.
In order to quickly call on reserve services both for extraordinary events or wartime male service, to
achieve regular training, and to effectively utilize the reserve military force, the MOI and municipality/coun-
ty/city governments jointly implement the administration of duties of the reservist draftees, and set up the
center for the administration of duties of the substitute service reservist draftees.
XIV. Promotion of R&D Substitute Services and Industry Training
Substitute Services
The revisions to the Enforcement Statute for Substitute Services, promulgated on January 24,
2007, and June 10, 2015, classified all substitute services into general, R&D substitute services, and
industry training substitute services. Draftees who hold a domestic or overseas master’s degree or
equivalent (accredited by the Ministry of Education) are eligible to apply for R&D substitute services;
draftees who have received an associate’s degree or above may apply for industry training substitute
services. The competent authority for the R&D substitute services and industry training substitute
services system is the MOI, while the NCA is responsible for policy execution. The duration of R&D
substitute services and industry training substitute services is 3 years for those who were born before
1993, and 18 months for those who were born after 1994, which can be divided into three stages. The
first stage encompasses fundamental training and specialized training. In the first stage, draftees are
governed by relevant statutes. The second stage commences after the first, upon designation to the
hiring unit, and lasts until the end of the substitute service period. The third stage starts from the end
of the substitute service period and lasts until the end of the expiration of the service period.
The R&D substitute service system and industry training substitute service system were imple-
mented in 2008 and 2016, respectively. Due to the limited supply of alternative military services, as of