The Statistical Analysis on Juvenile Delinquency

August 1, 2000


I. Preface

Adolescents play a major role in the country in the future. The incorrect behavior of one in his (her) teens will affect his (her) character in the further and have a direct impact on stability and security of the society and the country. Thus, the government has endeavored to prevent, reduce juvenile delinquency and correct the wrongdoing of teenagers. The following is a study on number of offenders, sex, cases involved, education of offenders and rate of offender criminal (as percentage to total population) based upon criminal cases processed by police departments in Taiwan involving juvenile offenders over the past ten years (1990 to 1999). The purpose is to provide a further understanding of juvenile delinquency and thus effective preventive measures can be adopted.


II. An analysis on juvenile delinquency

For statistics on criminal cases, offenders are grouped into the following categories according to Children Welfare Law, Juvenile Delinquency Processing Law and other related laws: child, juvenile, adolescent and adult offenders. Child offenders are offenders at the age of less than 12. Juvenile offenders are offenders at the age of 12 to 17. Adolescent offenders are offenders at the age of 18 to 23. Adult offenders are offenders more than 24 years old.

1. The number of juvenile offenders

In terms of number of juvenile offenders in criminal cases in Taiwan for the past ten years (1990 to 1999), the lowest number incurred in 1990. There were 17,286 juvenile in offenders that year. Due to the fact that Department of Health (of Executive Yuan) included Amphetamine as one of drugs under administration, the number of juvenile offenders increased to be 25,472 persons in 1991. In 1992, there were 30,719 offenders. In 1993, there were 30,780 offenders and the number was the highest in the 10-year period. In 1994, the number decreased to be 28,378 persons. In 1995, the number increased to be 29,287 persons. In 1996, the number slightly increased to be 29,680 persons. The number started to decrease continuously from 1997. In 1997, there were 24,766 juvenile offenders. In 1998, there were 23,094 persons. In 1999, there were 21,224 persons. It was a decrease of 8,456 persons or a decrease by 28.49% as compared to 1996. It is mainly due to the decrease of offenders in theft cases by 3,667 persons and a decrease of offenders for drug violation by 2,094 persons (Against Narcotics Act was promulgated on May 20, 1998 and enforced on May 22, 1998). The two both reflect a decrease by 5,761 persons.


2. The percentage of juvenile offenders to all offenders

The percentage of juvenile offenders to all offenders is decreasing over the years. In 1990, the percentage was 19.93%. In 1991, it decreased to be below 18%. In 1994 and 1995, it increased to be 18.54% and 18.82%, respectively. In 1997, it decreased to be 14.35%. In 1998, it slightly increased to be 14.53%. In 1999, it is 11.82%. The number is the lowest in 1999 in the 10-year period. There is a decrease by 2.71% in 1999 as compared to 1998.


3. The analysis on sex of juvenile offenders

In 1990, female offenders accounted for 7.5% of juvenile offenders. The percentage of female offenders started to increase from 1991. In 1993, it was 13.11%. In 1994, it decreased to be 11.91%. It started to increase from 1995 (except in 1998). In 1999, the percentage is 14.24% and it is the highest percentage in the 10-year period. However, the percentage of female juvenile offenders (to all juvenile offenders) is still lower than the percentage of female offenders (to all offenders).


4. An analysis on type of cases involving juvenile offenders

(1) Thefts: A highest number of juvenile offenders involved in theft cases for the past decade. In 1990, the percentage of juvenile offenders involving theft cases to total juvenile offenders was 58.57%. In 1991, the percentage was decreased to be 46.30%. In 1992, it was decreased to be 44.11%, which was the lowest percentage in the past 10 years. Then, the percentage increased over the years. In 1995, it was 57.42%. In 1996, it slightly decreased to be 56.46%. In 1997, it decreased to be 52.81%. In 1998, it increased to be 61.12%. In 1999, the percentage is 61.68%, which is the highest over the 10-year period.

(2) Violent crimes: Violent crimes refer to murder, robbery, forceful taking, kidnapping. In 1990, violent crimes were second largest category of cases involving juvenile offenders. In 1991 to 1999, they were the third largest category of cases involving juvenile offenders. This was due to the fact that amphetamine was included as drugs for administration and violent crimes became the third largest category of cases involving juvenile offenders.

In terms of violent crimes involving juvenile offenders for the past 10 years, in 1990, there were 2,613 persons (accounting for 15.12% and being the highest percentage in the 10-year period). In 1991, there were 2,111 persons (accounting for 8.29%). In 1992, there were 1,498 persons (accounting for 4.88% and being the lowest percentage in the 10-year period due to the governments strong measures in detecting amphetamine cases). In 1993, there was an increase and there were 1,941 persons (accounting for 6.31%). In 1994, there were 2,735 persons (accounting for 9.64%). In 1995, there were 3,650 persons (accounting for 12.46%). The number in 1995 was the highest due to the enforcement of using triplicate copies of records for reporting criminal cases starting from July of 1995. In 1996, there were 3,077 persons (accounting for 10.37%). In 1997, there were 3,049 cases (accounting for 12.31%). In 1998, there were 2,623 cases (accounting for 11.36%). In 1999, there are 2,190 persons (accounting for 10.32%).

(3) Cases of violating the Against Narcotics Act: The Against Narcotics Act (ANA) was promulgated on May 20, 1998 and enforced on May 22 of the same year. Before 1997, such cases involved violating ANA for Control over Drugs and Narcotics.  In 1990, there were 1,433 persons involving cases in violation of ANA. The Department of Health included amphetamine in drugs under administration on November 9, 1990. As a result, cases violating ANA accounted for the second highest number of all cases involving juvenile offenders. In 1991, there were 7,012 persons (accounting for 27.53%). In 1992, there were 10,950 persons (accounting for 35.65%). The number of juvenile offenders and the percentage were the highest in 1992. Later, the number of such offenders and percentage decreased over the years. In 1996, there was a slight increase both in number of persons and percentage. In 1997, there was a slight decrease and there were 4,200 persons (accounting for 16.96%). In 1998, there were 2,805 persons as a result of decrease (accounting for 12.15%). In 1999, there is a further decrease and there are 2,726 persons (accounting for 12.84%).

In summary, the percentage of juvenile offenders involving violation of ANA has been under 10% before 1990. Later, due to increasing number of people using amphetamine and the governments including amphetamine as drugs for administration, there was a sharp increase in number of juvenile offenders for such cases. Following the governments strong measures in detecting such cases, juvenile offenders involving such cases have been decreasing significantly after 1994.

(4) Injury cases: From 1990 to 1993, the number of juvenile offenders involving injury cases was between 260 to 460. The percentage has been below 2%. In 1994, the number increased to be 803 (accounting for 2.83%). In 1995, the number was 948 and it was the highest over the 10-year period. In 1996, the number decreased to be 896 and in 1997, the number decreased to be 795. In 1998, the number increased slightly to be 816. In 1999, there are 625 persons. The percentage of juvenile offenders involving injury cases has been increasing. From 1990 to 1994, such cases were the seventh largest type among all cases. In 1995, such cases were the sixth largest type of cases. In 1996, such case were the fifth largest type of cases. For the past three years (1997, 1998 and 1999), such cases have become the fourth largest type of cases.


5. The age of juvenile offenders

For the past 10 years, juvenile offenders below 12 account for the lowest percentage and juvenile offenders below 13 account for the second lowest percentage. The percentage of juvenile offenders below 12 and 13 has been decreasing. As for the certain age of juvenile offenders accounting for the highest percentage, in 1990, it was 14. In 1991, it was 17. In 1992 and 1993, it was 16. In 1994, 1995, it was 15. From 1996 to 1999, it was 17.

As a result of overall observation, juvenile offenders at the age between 15 to 17 account for the highest number and such offenders at the age between 12 and 13 account for the lower percentage. The percentage of juvenile offenders at the age of 12, 13, and 14 have been decreasing and the percentage of juvenile offenders at the age of 16, 17 have been increasing.


6. The education background of juvenile offenders

Juvenile offenders are at the age of receiving education in junior high schools or senior high schools. However, there are more juvenile offenders from junior high schools as compared to those from senior high schools. For the past 5 years, juvenile offenders from junior high schools account for more than 70% (of all juvenile offenders). From 1995 to 1998, juvenile offenders from senior high schools accounted for 17% to 19%. There was a trend of increase. In 1999, the percentage increases to be 22.02%. Juvenile offenders from elementary schools account for 5% to 8%. Juvenile offenders from colleges account for 1%. Juvenile offenders who are illiterate, self-target or equipped with the education background of graduate schools account for less than 0.1%.

In terms of juvenile offenders at school, quitting schools or graduated from schools, juvenile offenders at schools account for the highest number. The percentage is about 45%. Juvenile offenders still at junior high schools receiving education account for around 30% of all juvenile offenders. This demands the governments attention. Juvenile offenders graduated from schools account for the second highest number. Juvenile offenders under graduated schools account for the lowest number.


7.    The juvenile delinquency rate

In 1996, the juvenile delinquency rate was lower than the adolescent offender rate but higher than the delinquency rate of adults or children. In 1990, on average there were 769 juvenile offenders involving cases out of every 100,000 juveniles. In 1991 to 1998, there were more than 1,000 juvenile offenders out of every 100,000 juveniles. In 1999, there are 995 juvenile offenders in every 100,000 juveniles. In terms of juvenile delinquency rate over the past 10 years, the highest rate incurred in 1992. There were 1,311 juvenile offenders in every 100,000 juveniles. In 1990, the rate was the lowest. There were 769 juvenile offenders out of every 100,000 juveniles. In 1999, there were 995 juvenile offenders out of every 100,000 juveniles. The rate was the second lowest


8. Juvenile offenders in various counties and cities

(1) The number of juvenile offenders in various counties and cities and the juvenile offender rate in such counties and cities

In terms of number of juvenile offenders in various counties and cities, there is a trend that there are more juvenile offenders in relatively highly industrially/commercially developed counties and cities. The average numbers of juvenile offenders in the counties/cities for the past 5 years are as follows: 3,594 persons in Taipei County (the highest), 3,259 persons in Taipei City (the second highest), 2,045 persons in Kaohsiung Municipality, 1,888 persons in Taoyuan County, and 1,292 persons in Taichung Municipality. 

In terms of juvenile offender rates in various counties and cities for the past 5 years, they are as follows: the rate of Taitung County is the highest (on average 2,415 juvenile offenders out of every 100,000 adolescents); the rate of Hualien County is the second highest (2,126 offenders out of every 100,000); the rate of Chiayi County is the third highest (1,841 offenders out of every 100,000); the rate of Keelung City is the fourth highest (1,689 offenders out of every 100,000); the rate of Hsinchu city is the fifth highest (1,424 offenders out of every 100,000).

(2) The percentage of juvenile offenders in each county or city to all offenders in that county/city

In terms of the average percentage of juvenile offenders in each county or city to all offenders in that county/city, the rates are as follows: the percentage of Hualien County is the highest (21.36%); the percentage of Taitung County is the second highest (21.04%); the percentage of Taipei County is the third highest (17.55%); the percentage of Tainan City is the fourth highest (17.39%); the percentage of Taoyuan County is the fifth highest (17.25%).

(3) With respect to types of criminal cases involving more juvenile offenders in the five counties with higher offender rates (Taitung County, Hualien County, Chiayi City, Keelung City and Hsinchu City):

Taitung County and Hualien County have more theft and forcible rape (gang rape) cases. Chiayi City has more murder, gambling against, public safety and negligence in traffic accidents cases. Keelung City has more robbery, intimidation, injury cases and cases in violation of the Against Narcotics Act, Hsinchu City, Keelung City and Hualien County have more forceful taking cases. Taitung County has more cases of receiving/concealing crime gains. Hualien County has more cases of against personal liberty.


9. Conclusions

(1) The number of juvenile offenders and the percentage of juvenile offenders to total offenders in Taiwan area have been decreasing.

(2) Male juvenile offenders account for a much higher percentage (85%) when compared to female juvenile offenders.

(3) Juvenile offenders involving theft cases account for the highest percentage. In 1999, the percentage is 61.68%. It is the highest percentage over the 10-year period. Juvenile offenders involving violations of the Against Narcotics Act account for the second highest percentage (12.84%). Juvenile offenders involving violent crimes account for the third highest percentage (10.32%).

(4) Most juvenile offenders are at the age from 15 to 17. There are less juvenile offenders at the age of 12 or 13.

(5) Juvenile offenders from junior high schools account for the highest percentage (70%). Juvenile offenders from senior high schools account for 22%. Among them, juvenile offenders quitting junior high schools account for about 17% and juvenile offenders quitting senior high schools account for about 6%. This demands the attention of the government.

(6) There are relatively more juvenile offenders in the more industrially/commercially developed counties and cities. In terms of five-year average numbers, the five highest counties/cities are: Taipei County, Taipei Municipality, Kaohsiung Municipality, Taoyuan County and Taichung City. In terms of juvenile offender rate, the five highest counties and cities are: Taitung County, Hualien County, Chiayi County (the third), Keelung City and Hsinchu City.

(7) Characteristics of various counties/cities:

In terms of types of cases, Taitung County has more theft cases, forcible rape (gang rape) and stolen property cases. Hualien County has more theft cases, forceful taking cases, forcible rape (gang rape) cases and cases of against personal liberty. Chiayi City has more murder, gambling, against public safety and has negligence in traffic accident cases. Keelung City more robbery, forceful taking cases,threat for monetary gain, injury cases and cases in violation of the Against Narcotics Act. Hsinchu City has more theft cases and forceful taking cases. This demands the attention of the government.
