The Statistical Analysis of Suicides

February 23, 2000

Ⅰ. According to the statistical data of District Prosecution Office, the Justice of Interior, the suicidal cases concluded by prosecution office with an autopsy performed are:

  1. A total of 2,360 suicidal cases took place in 1999 that is 6.31% higher than that of the year before. Taichung County (City), Nantou County, and Yunlin County, the four counties (cities) in Central Taiwan, suffered from the severe trauma of 921 Big Quake and a death toll of 281 suicides, 96 suicides, and 98 suicides, respectively, also, it stands for an increase of 8.08%, 21.52%, and 27.27%, respectively, from the year before. The death toll of the three counties and one city is 475 suicides and it stands for a 14.18% growth from the year before.
  2. A total of 828 suicidal events took place in the period of October 1999 and January 2000 that stands for a 9.81% growth from the year before. Taichung County (City), Nantou County, and Yunlin County, the four counties (cities) in Central Taiwan, suffered from the severe trauma of 921 Big Quake and a death toll of 102 suicides, 38 suicides, and 37 suicides, respectively, also, it stands for an increase of 17.24%, 46.15%, and 0.00%, respectively, from the year before. The death toll of the three counties and one city is 177 suicides and it stands for an 18.00% growth from the year before.

Ⅱ. According to the statistical data of National Fire Fighting Administration, the suicidal rescues service in emergency performed is:

  1. A total of 6,217 suicidal rescue services in emergency were performed in 1999 and it is 15.28% higher than that of the year before. A total of 706, 151, and 80 suicidal rescue services are performed in Taichung County (City), Nantou County, and Yunlin County, respectively, that stands for an increase of 6.97%, 16.15%, and a decrease of 10.11%, respectively, from the year before. A total of 937 suicidal rescue services were performed and it is 6.60% higher than that of the year before.
  2. According to the statistical data on file, a total of 220 suicides (person-time) with a monthly average of 73 person-time were hospitalized by Fire Department in the three counties and one city during the period of October and December 1999. The rate of suicide rescue services is rather low while comparing to the monthly average of 80 person-time in January-September 1999 without the impact of 921 Big Quake. However, the rate of suicide rescue services is higher than the monthly average of 70 person-time in the same period the year before; moreover, it shows a sign of increase.

Ⅲ. From the statistical data of District Prosecution Office, the Justice of Interior, and National Fire Fighting Administration, apparently, the number of suicides in the three counties and one city in Central Taiwan is increasing.
